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about Krate Tactical

Designed and tested by veterans from nearly every branch of the United States Armed Forces, our OTF knives and AR500 steel targets are the toughest tactical gear you will ever own. Guaranteed.

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Why Choose Krate Tactical

Lifetime Warranty

Veteran Owned & Operated

Durable, High-Quality Steel

Customer Reviews

Verified ownerVerified owner

This is my new EDC. Very well made and no risk of accidental deployment. I own a lot of knives but this is currently my favorite and probably the best knife in my humble collection. I can see myself owning more Krate Tactical knives.

2 months ago
Robert Rosengard
Robert Rosengard
Verified ownerVerified owner

Very high-quality knife and packaging. Seems solid as a rock. I am very impressed. Unsure if I plan to carry in my pocket (using built in clip), in the free case that came with it, or in another case that I buy/own. The case that it came with has thick Velcro that would not allow the knife to be used defensively quickly/silently enough. I also am concerned that when/if deployed defensively, if it comes out and hits something before being fully extended, it may fail to lock open. And then a manual reset would need to be done. That extra time may be the difference between life and death. So, it is unclear if I would ever carry this knife as it does not meet my tactical needs. But it is 100% cool and an excellent solid knife with lifetime warranty. And the price is very reasonable! Very happy with my purchase.

2 months ago

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